April 24-28, 2025
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

IV International Competition for Performers on Stringed Instruments “Bow round dance”

IV International Competition for Performers on Stringed Instruments “Bow round dance”

Music, whose wonderful and universal language is understandable to everyone, should be a source of
connection between people. I encourage my fellow musicians around the world to put their art in the service of humanity, helping to unite peoples.”
Pablo Casals

Deadline for accepting applications is March 15, 2025


The international competition of performers on stringed instruments is held by the Organizing Committee of the international creative project for the development of children and youth “WORLD MUSIC” together with the European Organizing Committee “Alliance of Talents”

Goals and objectives:

Popularization of classical music, identifying talents, opening borders between different countries through the creative exchange of talents, motivating children and youth for further creative success.


The competition is held in 4 specialties: violin, viola, cello, string ensemble in six age groups.

  •  Group A (solo) – up to 8 years old
    Program: Two different plays. Total playing time up to 5 minutes
  •  Group B (solo) – from 9 to 12 years old
    Program: Two different plays. Total playing time up to 8 minutes
  • Group C (solo) – from 13 to 15 years.
    Program:Two different pieces or a large form. Performing one extended piece is allowed. Total playing time up to 12 minutes
  • Group D (solo) – from 16 to 18 years old.
    Program:Two different pieces or a large form. Performing one extended piece is allowed. The total playing time is up to 12 minutes.
  •  Group E (ensemble) junior group from 8 to 14 years old. Two different pieces or a large form. Performing one extended piece is allowed. The total playing time is up to 8 minutes.
  • Group E+ (ensemble) senior group from 15 to 23 years old. Two different pieces or a large form. Performing one extended piece is allowed. The total playing time is up to 12 minutes.

Performances of works by national authors are encouraged.

Duets, trios, quartets, quintets and more are eligible for the “String Ensemble” nomination.

The age of participants is determined as of April 24, 2025.

Procedure for holding the competition

The order of performances is established by the Organizing Committee and is open information 2 days before the start of the competition.

The winners of the competition in each age group in each specialty, taking first, second and third places, are awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees (the title of laureate). First degree laureates are awarded valuable or cash prizes.

Participants who take fourth and fifth place are awarded diplomas (diploma holder title)    The remaining participants will be awarded certificates for participation.

The Grand Prix Award is:

  • Groups A and B -$200
  • Group C – $300
  • Group D – $300
  • Groups E and E+ $300

By decision of the jury, the number of laureates within one nomination or age group can be either increased or reduced. The issuance of the Diplomat titles, as well as special prizes and awards, is an exclusively internal decision of the jury members and the Organizing Committee and is not subject to revision or discussion.

All teachers and accompanists are issued international certificates for preparing competitors.

It is advisable for the contestants to come with their own accompanist. There is a fee for on-site accompanist services.*

Competitors may perform with their own accompanist and bear all associated expenses. The Organizing Committee may offer musicians the opportunity to perform with the competition’s full-time accompanists for an additional fee of $50.

Each competitor has the right to one rehearsal with a full-time accompanist. The competitors themselves are responsible for additional rehearsals and expenses incurred in this case.

If the competitor does not have an accompanist, he must send good quality sheet music to the in-house accompanist and also have printed sheet music with him.

Competitive auditions are public. The organizing committee reserves the right to take photos and videos and post competition materials free of charge in social networks, public pages and other advertising campaigns.

Participants selected to perform at the Gala Concert do not have the right to refuse to participate. Awarding and presentation of diplomas takes place only at the Gala concert. Diplomas will not be sent after the award ceremony.

Each participant is given a 5-minute acoustic rehearsal in the hall.

Jury: The competition jury consists of recognized professional musicians, teachers, and honored artists.

When evaluating a contestant’s performance, each jury member is guided by his personal professional opinion, as well as the principles of impartiality and objectivity.

The composition of the jury is published on official sources of the Organizing Committee and can be changed by decision of the organizing committee at any time during the preparation and holding of the competition.

 Jury protocols are internal documents of the competition and are not provided to competitors. Jury scores are final and are not subject to revision or discussion.

The competition was held publicly on the principles of equal conditions for participants.

The jury has the right:

  • divide places between participants (prizes are divided accordingly)
  • not all diplomas are awarded
  • to award or not to award the GRAND PRIX
  • award additional prize nominations

Evaluation criteria: technical clarity, purity of execution, complexity of the program in relation to the age of the participant, artistry, brightness of the artistic image, stage endurance, understanding of the style of the era.

Replacement of works declared by the participant in the program is possible no later than 5 days before the start of the competition. Execution of the competition program without interruption.

The jury has the right to stop the performance of a competition participant at its discretion.

To participate in the competition, the following package of documents is sent to the Competition email address music-classic.kz@mail.ru (hereinafter referred to as the official email address of the competition):

  • participant’s application with a description of his creative biography (see form below)
  • personal photo (no more than 3 MB);

Applications that do not meet the requirements of these Regulations will not be considered.

After receiving confirmation of participation in the competition, the participant receives payment details and is then required to pay an entry fee.

Financial conditions:

Soloists – $80

Duet, trio – payment is 60 dollars per person.

For teams of 4-6 people, the fee is $40 for each participant.

For teams of 7 people and above, the fee is $25 per participant.

In case of failure to appear at the competition (non-participation in it), including due to illness, the entry fee is not refunded.

If the maximum number of applications is exceeded, priority will be given to participants who have paid in advance for participation in the competition. The maximum number is determined by the Organizing Committee of the competition.

After submitting an application, the competition participant undertakes to comply with the rules of the competition and obey the decisions of the organizing committee and jury. A competition participant who does not comply with the terms of these Regulations may be disqualified from further participation in the competition.

The organizers reserve the right to close the acceptance of applications early or extend the acceptance.

The organizing committee reserves the right to refuse to accept an application without giving reasons.

Responsibility of the parties

The organizing committee undertakes obligations for organizing and conducting the competition, namely providing premises for competitive auditions, selecting and approving jury members, organizing the award ceremony for laureates and diploma holders of the competition.

Contestants and/or their representatives undertake to appear for competitive auditions on the day and time according to the schedule of competitive auditions..

Contestants and/or their representatives undertake to respect the decisions made by members of the jury and the Organizing Committee of the competition, and are also responsible for inappropriate behavior and/or statements addressed to the jury and/or the Organizing Committee. In case of incorrect behavior towards the Organizing Committee and/or members of the jury, as well as regarding results, decisions and other information, including those published on the official website of the competition, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to disqualify a participant in the competition and cancel its results without refund.

Contestants and/or their representatives undertake to treat the provided details and other property with care and to maintain cleanliness in the provided premises.

The organizing committee is not responsible for the actions of third parties involved in organizing competitive auditions.

The organizing committee publishes all current information regarding the procedure for holding the competition, rehearsal schedules, time and address of competitive performances, jury voting results, etc. on the official source. The competitor and his representatives undertake to personally find out all the necessary information independently on the official source of the competition on Telegram or Instagram before the start and throughout the duration of the competition.

In order to avoid misunderstandings when sending a package of application documents for participation in the competition, the participant in the competition is obliged to make sure that the package of documents sent by him is received by the addressee. To do this, before sending an email, you must enable the “delivery notification” function in the sender’s mail system or write/call back on WhatsApp contact number +7 (701) 4301999 if there is no feedback from the competition organizers within 2 days after sending the documents.

The competition participant is obliged to independently pay the costs of travel to and from the competition, accommodation, food, as well as the expenses of his accompanist. If necessary, the competition organizers provide information about possible accommodation options.

Applications will be accepted until November 15, 2023 in the prescribed form, strictly in WORD format, not scanned, by email music-classic.kz@mail.ru

Copies of passports of participants and accompanying persons are required!!!

 Responsibility for the correct spelling of the full name and other details lies with the Participant. All data filled in the Application will be copied into the Diplomas. Replacement of diplomas, certificates and diplomas will be made only upon written request and sent by courier service at the participant’s expense.

The organizing committee reserves the right to change the schedule and routine.

The decisions of the jury are not subject to appeal or challenge. All issues, if any, are discussed at the round table. The composition of the jury is not disclosed until the start of the competition. At the end of the competition, participants and teachers have the opportunity to discuss competitive performances with members of the jury and exchange opinions. The jury is open to discussing performances and making recommendations for participants.

Submitting an application automatically confirms agreement with the terms of the competition.

To purchase group or individual air tickets, you can use our services and our direct contacts with airlines.

Attention!!! Documents for obtaining a visa are provided only after payment of the registration fee and/or 50% of the payment for the competition package to the Organizers’ bank account.

Submitting an application automatically confirms agreement with the terms of the competition.

Contacts: +359 88 783 5619(WhatsApp),  +77014301999(WhatsApp)

Residential program:

Economy option: $250 + registration fee

The price includes: 3 nights in a hotel for 2-3-4 people per room, breakfast, transfers to the airport or train station.

Sightseeing tour of Almaty.

*Optional visit to the Medeo high-mountain stadium and ice skating.

Application form see below

Application for participation in festivals and competitions World Music

 (Contest name, date of) ______________________________________________                 

Attention!!!! You must fill in all the blanks stated unabridged. After receiving your application we form statements and the order of speakers and register you at the table for printing certificates and diplomas.

Full name of the group or soloist Name (as it should be written in the diploma)separated by commas country, city, state, region
Brief characteristics of the collective or soloist (the year of education, awards, speeches, where, when, areas of work, achievements)
 Full name of the head
Category (eg: pop singing, folk choreography, piano or other)
Age (how many full years or ____ ____ years for the band or soloist)
Performance program (title of the work, choreographer, composer, author, full timing to seconds, the number of performers (for each number), technical requirements (what technical assistance is required you to run the program. Org. Committee will possibly try to provide you with this help
Number of persons *Total _________ including:leaders _______ artists  _______ accompany (parents, support group)  _________
Data manager and other contacts (postal address, e-mail, mobile phone)
Name of organization, guide the participants (legal and postal address, the head of the organization, and other electronic address)
The tour program, a set of services (selected program, the number of days with accommodation, or only registration fee, flight data (can be sent later)
list of planned additional services (additional meals, excursions and more, indicating the number of people), other specific suggestions):
The list of organizations and individuals to prepare letters of thanks (indicating the full name, title, and text for thank you):
Additional requests

E-mail messages and for receiving applications music-classic.kz@mail.ru

ATTENTION! FOR EACH TEAM (soloist), nominations and age categories separate application filled in!


LIST (first and last name in Latin (as in the passport), number of passport or identity card

Application form

The application for each participant (/or for each group of participants arriving with one leader /or for each group of participants arriving from the same educational institution) must be sent in a separate file. The file must have a name: full name of the participant/s, age,  city.
Submission of an application for participation implies FULL CONSENT to the terms of the competition and GUARANTEED payment.

________________________________ (dates, country)

1. Name of the institution (or courses)

2. Address (country, city, street, etc.)

3. Supervisor Name, phone number, e-mail

4. Number of people in the group

5. List of participants and escorts

Please save columns.

№№Full nameAge and date of birthPassportnomination
1Shnal Daniel (mr)1412.12.2002№000000 issued 01.10.2006Valid until 30.09.2016issued by whom (MIA  KAZ)English language (or mathematics or others)
2Shnal Nadezhda(ms)3501/01/1981№000000 issued 01.10.2006Valid until 30.09.2016issued by whomaccompanying

6. Do I need extra nights ___ (from ___ to ___)

7. Flight data (if tickets are purchased independently, you can make a correction a week before arrival)

8. Letters of thanks, if needed, full name, position and what to thank for.

Email for receiving messages and applications: music-classic.kz@mail.ru
