October 25-29, 2025
Uzbekistan, Tashkent/Samarkand




To provide children with an unbiased assessment of their knowledge level, to receive certificates and diplomas, to apply acquired knowledge in practice, to exchange experiences, and to interact with leading universities in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Europe.


Children aged 9 to 22 are invited to participate.

NOMINATIONS: English, French, and Russian languages, mathematics, physics, biology, art and culture (music, dance, visual arts, decorative and applied arts).


Grand Prix of the Olympiad: a week in a summer language school in Europe or a week-long tour of Europe!

Applications are accepted until October 1, 2024.


Round I: Grammar and vocabulary test. Participants receive Certificates with the corresponding level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1) based on the results of Round I.

Round II: Essay. Participants write an essay on one of the proposed topics according to their assigned level.

Round III: Dialogue. Participants communicate with the commission members on given topics. Diplomas are awarded based on the results of Rounds II and III, corresponding to the points received for the essay.


Held in one round.


Held in one round and includes grammar, lexical, morphological tasks, and a mini-essay on a given topic.


Held in one round. Requirements for instrumentalists and vocalists: 1 piece of free choice (performance time up to 5 minutes). Requirements for choreography: 1 number, total duration not more than 6 minutes. Requirements for decorative and applied arts and visual arts: present one finished work and defend it by performing a fragment within the given time.


The jury of the Olympiad includes teachers from international schools in England, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan.


Organizers: International Organizing Committee for the Creative Development of Children and Youth “Alliance of Talents” Bulgaria, International Organizing Committee “World Music in Kazakhstan”, tour operator “Eurotour”, NOU “Genesis Education”.

For participants and winners, discounts on summer language courses are provided.

In the program, in addition to participating in the Olympiad:

  • Presentations of European schools, colleges, and universities.
  • Excursion to Samarkand.
  • Team competitions in football and basketball.

Nominations “Art and Culture”:

  • Piano – soloists
  • Piano ensembles (only on one instrument for 4 hands)
  • String instruments – soloists
  • String ensembles
  • String instruments – small forms (up to 5 people inclusive)
  • Wind instruments – soloists
  • Wind instrument ensembles
  • Wind instruments – small forms (up to 5 people inclusive)
  • Folk instruments – soloists
  • Folk instrument ensembles
  • Folk instruments – small forms (up to 5 people inclusive)
  • Percussion instruments – soloists
  • Percussion instrument ensembles
  • Percussion instruments – small forms (up to 5 people inclusive)
  • Orchestras
  • Classical vocal soloists
  • Classical vocal ensembles
  • Classical vocal small forms (up to 5 people inclusive)
  • Pop vocal soloists
  • Pop vocal ensembles
  • Pop vocal small forms (up to 5 people inclusive)
  • Choirs
  • Choreography – modern dance
  • Choreography – folk dance
  • Choreography – stylized dance
  • Choreography – ballroom dance
  • Readers
  • Hosts
  • Theater groups
  • Fashion theaters
  • Designers
  • Decorative and applied arts

Participation without accommodation for residents of Uzbekistan:

  • Participation in one nomination in the subject Olympiad $50, each subsequent nomination $30 (participation is possible in a maximum of 3 nominations).

Participation in the festival-competition “Scheherazade Kaleidoscope” within the framework of the nomination “Art and Culture” for residents of Uzbekistan without accommodation:

  • Soloists $30
  • Duets and trios $25 per person
  • Quartets, quintets, sextets $20 per person
  • Groups of more than 6 people $10 per person.


This schedule is for informational purposes only. The Organizing Committee has the right to change the schedule of days depending on the accepted applications and technical necessity.

PROGRAM without accommodation (example):

Day 1:

  • Arrival of foreign participants.

Day 2:

  • 11:00 – Registration of participants.
  • 13:00 – Press conference and presentation of the international creative project “Alliance of Talents” and partners.
  • 14:00 – Rehearsals if necessary. Rounds 1 and 2 for linguists.

Day 3:

  • Competition day, after the competition screenings, master classes with foreign specialists.
  • Olympiad for exact sciences. Round 3 for linguists.

Day 4:

  • Competition day, master class for teachers with foreign specialists, international certificates are issued at the end.
  • Team competitions in football and basketball.

Day 5:

  • Gala concert and awarding ceremony for all participants. The numbers that passed to the gala concert are approved by the jury of the competition together with the Organizing Committee of the festival. Participation in the gala concert is mandatory.

PROGRAM with accommodation (example):

Day 1:

  • Meeting at the airport (station or checkpoint). Arrival in Tashkent.
  • Accommodation in the hotel.
  • Registration with the Organizing Committee.
  • Lunch in a national restaurant*.
  • Excursion program in Tashkent: Visit to Kukeldash Madrasah (16th century); Visit to the Hast Imam complex with the sacred Quran (644-656 AD): Kaffal-Shashi Madrasah (16th century); Barak-Khan Madrasah (16th century); Orthodox church, Catholic church, Modern city Amir Temur Square; “Istiqlol” Square, “Courage” Monument and Alisher Navoi Park; If possible, “Tashkent Metro”.
  • Dinner in a national restaurant.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast.
  • 09:00 – 12:00 Olympiad. Rounds 1 and 2 for linguists. Main round for natural sciences.
  • 13:00 Lunch in a national restaurant*. Visit to the “Next” shopping center.
  • 15:00 – 19:00 Competition auditions for the nomination “Art and Culture”. Round 3 for linguists.
  • 19:00 Dinner in a national restaurant.

Day 3

  • Breakfast.
  • 7:30 Departure to Samarkand. Arrival in Samarkand.
  • Meeting at the Samarkand station. Full-day excursion program in Samarkand: City tours: Gur-e-Amir Mausoleum (1404) (pay attention to the famous Kok-Tash throne stone, where representatives of the Sheibanid dynasty were crowned (16th century); Timurids’ ablution bowl, Rukhabad (14th century) (according to legend, it contains the hair of the Prophet Muhammad. According to one version, the mausoleum is over the grave of Sheikh Burhanuddin Sagardji), Aksaray (15th century), then, Registan Ensemble, which consists of three madrasahs: Ulugh Beg Madrasah (1417-1420), Sher-Dor Madrasah (1619-1636), and Tillya-Kori Madrasah (1646-1660). A madrasah is a Muslim educational institution for training clergy.
  • 14:00 Lunch in a cafe*.
  • 14:00 Continuation of the excursion program (with a Russian-speaking group). Visit to the largest mosque in Asia, Bibi-Khanym. Architectural complex “Shakhi-Zinda Necropolis” (11th-15th centuries), Ulugh Beg Observatory.
  • Museum and ruins of the old city of Afrasiab (8th century). It is believed that Afrasiab was the ancient Sogdian capital – the famous Marakanda.
  • Dinner. Transfer to the station. 18:00 Departure to Tashkent by comfortable high-speed train (economy class tickets) to Tashkent. 22:00 Arrival in Tashkent. Accommodation in the hotel. Rest. (if desired, you can extend your stay for 1 day for an excursion to Bukhara).

Day 4

  • Breakfast.
  • Free time. Optional visit to Magic City Park.
  • 13:00 Lunch in a national restaurant*.
  • Gala concert and awarding ceremony for all participants. The numbers that passed to the gala concert are approved by the jury of the competition together with the Organizing Committee of the festival. Participation in the gala concert is mandatory.
  • 19:00 Dinner in a national restaurant.

Day 5

  • Breakfast.
  • Optional visit to the “Chor-SU” bazaar.
  • 17:00 Farewell at the checkpoint or airport.

Cost: from $400 on request

  • Hotel accommodation, breakfast + dinner.
  • Transportation service for the entire stay.
  • Excursions, including to Samarkand.
  • Handout materials for Olympiad participants.
  • Participant registration.
  • Registration fee for participation in one nomination.
  • International standard diplomas and certificates.

1 free leader per 10 people (international travel not included).

Not included:

  • Participation in the second nomination (optional) $50.
  • Trip to Bukhara $120.
  • Personal expenses.

Possible arrival airport Bukhara or Samarkand (in this case, the program is recalculated).

Economy option with accommodation: $200 + registration fee


  • 4 nights in an economy class hotel with 3-4 people per room, breakfasts, transfers from/to the checkpoint or airport or station.
  • Sightseeing tour of Tashkent.

1 free leader per 10 people. Independent travel to the event venue.

Registration fee:

General education disciplines:

  • Participation in one nomination in the subject Olympiad $50, each subsequent nomination $30 (participation is possible in a maximum of 3 nominations).

Participation in the festival-competition “Scheherazade Kaleidoscope” within the framework of the nomination “Art and Culture”:

  • Soloists $30.
  • Duets and trios $25 per person.
  • Quartets, quintets, sextets $20 per person.
  • Groups of more than 6 people $10 per person.
  • Second and subsequent nominations – 40% discount.


If the dollar exchange rate to the national currency changes by more than 2%, the cost is adjusted.

Applications are accepted until October 1, 2024.

Application for the Olympiad

________________________________ (dates, country of the event)

    1. Name of the educational institution (or courses) ________________________________
    2. Address (country, city, street, etc.) ________________________________ ________________________________
    3. Leader’s full name, phone number, email ________________________________
    4. Number of participants ________________________________
    5. List of participants and accompanying persons ________________________________
    6. Do you need additional nights __________ (from __________ to ___________)?
    7. Do you need a flight (_______)?
    8. Flight details (if tickets are purchased independently, corrections can be made until October 20)_____________________________________________________________________
    9. If an official invitation is needed for the organization to arrange a business trip (full name, name of the head of the organization)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    10. Thank you letters or certificates for teachers (full name, position, reason for gratitude) Submitting the application automatically confirms agreement with the Olympiad’s terms and conditions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please keep the columns.

№№Full nameAge and date of birthPassport
1Shnal Daniel (mr)1412.12.2002№000000 issued 01.10.2006Valid until 30.09.2016issued by whom (MIA  KAZ)
2Shnal Nadezhda(ms)3501/01/1981№000000 issued 01.10.2006Valid until 30.09.2016issued by whom

Submitting the application automatically confirms agreement with the Olympiad’s terms and conditions.

Addition to the application for the nomination “Art and Culture”.

Attention!!! All fields of the application must be filled out without abbreviations. After receiving the application, we will form the lists and order of performances, as well as register you in the table for printing certificates and diplomas.

Full name of the group or soloist Name (as it should be written in the diploma) separated by commas country, city, state, region________________________________________________________________
Full name of the head_________________________________________________________________________________
Category (eg: pop singing, folk choreography, piano or other)__________________________________________________________
Age (how many full years or ____ ____ years for the band or soloist)
Performance program (title of the work, choreographer, composer, author, full timing to seconds, the number of performers (for each number), technical requirements (what technical assistance is required you to run the program. Org. Committee will possibly try to provide you with this help
Number of persons *Total _________ including:leaders _______ artists  _______ accompany (parents, support group)  _________
Data manager and other contacts (postal address, e-mail, mobile phone)
Name of organization, guide the participants (legal and postal address, the head of the organization, and other electronic address)
The tour program, a set of services (selected program, the number of days with accommodation, or only registration fee, flight data (can be sent later)___________________________________________________________________________________list of planned additional services (additional meals, excursions and more, indicating the number of people), other specific suggestions):______________________________________________________________________________________
The list of organizations and individuals to prepare letters of thanks (indicating the full name, title, and text for thank you):
Additional requests

ATTENTION! A SEPARATE APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT FOR EACH GROUP (SOLOIST), NOMINATION, AND AGE CATEGORY! *In the “Number of people” field, if you have several participants and they are accompanied by common leaders and chaperones, fill them out in ONLY ONE application!!! Do not write chaperones in each application. Or make a note that the leaders and chaperones are listed with another (full name) participant. ATTENTION! THE APPLICATION (if it cannot be filled out accurately at the submission stage) can be supplemented or corrected by you before the trip (EXCEPT FOR SOME FIELDS) in agreement with the organizing committee. PLEASE! PROVIDE A FULLY COMPLETED ACCURATE APPLICATION NO LATER THAN 14 DAYS BEFORE THE START OF THE TRIP!!! CHANGES AND ADDITIONS SENT AFTER THE SPECIFIED PERIOD WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED!!!

Email for receiving messages and applications:


WhatsApp +7701 430 19 99 |  WhatsApp /Phone +359 878422214
